On the Price of Drugs
The NY Times editorial board published an opinion on the price of the new hep C drug yesterday which is very enlightening, but unfortunately it isn't open for comments....
View ArticleHow Greg Walden (R-2 OR) Lost My Vote
I do not consider myself to be a Democrat. I used to consider myself to be a Republican, but my distaste for the party's shifting attitudes reached a breaking point in the times of the Clinton/Dole...
View ArticleTop Comments: F**k Cancer Edition
While watching the outstanding Ken Burns documentary, Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies on PBS, I was reminded of all the people we're lost to that horror. Most recently our dear friend Cedwyn who I...
View ArticleIs It Time For Pharmaceutical Price Controls?
The drug industry has failed this country in the past, to the point where the federal government had to step in, back in 1906 to be precise, to regulate unscrupulous drug companies and vendors.At that...
View ArticleHere Is Bernie's Hook into the Hearts of Republicans
Here is an issue that all people care about, Republicans and Democrats alike, but one that is avoided by the media and all the other Pharma fueled candidates: the rising prices of medications. In this...
This 3 1/2 year old drug company is going to drink Shkreli's milkshake. They are a generic company based out of San Diego, and they are going to make and destribute another generic version of Daraprim...
View ArticleTPP Could Prohibit Medicare From Negotiating For Lower Drug Prices
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Restricting Access to Affordable MedicinesPUBLICCITIZEN The TPP would also establish new rules that could undermine government efforts to contain rising medicine prices...
View ArticleThe two certainties of health care reform
As Iowans prepare to caucus on February 1, a battle royal is playing out in each political party. But while Republicans argue over Donald Trump's conservative credentials and Ted Cruz's temperament,...
View ArticleDonald Trump, Drug Prices and his grasp of reality
Donald Trump said he will cut $300 billion a year from our national drug spending. Given we spend somewhere between $300 and $400 billion per year on drugs, that’s quite a savings! Drugs might become...
View ArticlePossible Reason Bernie Lost Midwest
Drug prices. I am not a political professional but I would like to put out there second plug for an issue that could help Bernie still win the nomination: drug prices. An article by Annie Karni...
View ArticleA New Deal for the 21st Century™
Economic Security:Since many of our citizens need more education or training in order to compete in our 21st economy, we support adequate funding and support for our public Pre-K through 12th grade...
View ArticleEpipens--There Is An Alternative
First the disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for any product, nor a statement that you should buy any product. This post is for informational purposes only. This is not an attempt to provide...
View ArticleWho will make Big Pharma pay the EpiPenalty?
Washington is experiencing a bipartisan furor over the spiraling price hikes on EpiPen, the life-saving Epinephrine injector tens of thousands of American allergy sufferers depend on in case of...
View ArticleReining in Big Pharma - or Why Capitalism Doesn't Work With Life-Saving Drugs
By Karen Rubin, News & Photo FeaturesHow much is it worth to you to save your child’s life? $1 million? $10 million? How much is it worth it to you to have the medication that will prolong your...
View ArticleTrump threat fails to halt drug price hikes in 2017
This story speaks for itself ... but only if you read it.Click on the link, go to their web site and read it. Not only will you be informed but it tells the CNN Editors that you want to read more...
View Article'Negotiator' Trump caves to big pharma
Popular vote loser Donald Trump made a lot of promises during the campaign, touting his superior powers as a negotiator. He was going to make all the deals. He was going to bring big pharma to its...
View ArticleBig Pharma saved my life and uses the profits to kill hundreds every day
I"m leaving the country next week - ROAD TRIP!- to drive up to Toronto (which is kinda like New York City, if it were run by the Swiss). When I get there, I'm going to pick up a three-month supply of a...
View ArticleMiddle class retirement subsidizing billionaires
I have understood that the United State’s economy is stacked against the poor, and has been for decades. Since the early 1980’s it is becoming so for the middle class as well. We have transferred...
View ArticleOH-Sen: Sherrod Brown (D) Slams Trump On Another Broken Promise, Lowering...
Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s (D. OH) re-election campaign:"Prescription drug spending has increased 10 percent annually for Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) members...
View ArticleOH-Sen: Sherrod Brown (D) Pushes Plan To Crack Down On Big Pharma's...
Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s (D. OH) re-election campaign:This excerpt of a 2015 Forbes interview with former Turing Pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli pretty well sums...
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