First the disclaimer: This is not an advertisement for any product, nor a statement that you should buy any product. This post is for informational purposes only. This is not an attempt to provide medical advice, which should always come from your healthcare provider.
You may have heard that Mylan’s obscenely priced Epi-Pen is the only epinephrine injection device available in the US. I learned today that this is not true. A product called Adrenaclick is an Epi-Pen alternative that can cost 1/3 to ½ as much as the Epi-Pen (still too high IMO, but a little better.) Unfortunately, the manufacturer’s ability to ship adequate supplies is not the best, so you might need to check a number of pharmacies to find it. Also, Adrenaclick is not covered by Medicare (why the hell not?), so Epi-Pen is still the cheapest alternative for those with Medicare.
Consumer Reports has an article on Adrenaclick as well as one on how to get it.
Also, be sure to let your congresscritters know how you feel about the drug companies’ price gouging, and if you’re in California be sure to vote yes on Prop 61.