Well, well, well, lookee here ladies and gentlemen. Here we see how honorable and trustworthy Obama's good buddy, Billy Tauzin (and his friends) are after the big '80 billion' dollar savings deal.
We are being sold down the shitter by 'our' democratic administration. There was NEVER any intention of helping the people of this country in the face of unaffordable healthcare coverage costs, unaffordable healthcare treatment, and the medicines that go along with keeping the people of this country healthy. There was never one bit of honor in any of these 'negotiations'. And the most disgusting part of all this? There is no honor or decency left in the party. So many people willing to sell the poor and suffering out just because they think that we should support a democratic administration and the party no matter what sleezy, skeezy stunts they pull. We have become the republican party of the bush years.
Enjoy you people who have yours. Enjoy while you sell out millions of your fellow citizens all in the name of 'maintaining control'. Control of what.
Here's the article.